Book — Surface charging and points of zero charge

Additional resources for “Surface charging and points of zero charge” by Marek Kosmulski

Surface charging and points of zero charge by Marek Kosmulski — book cover


p. 160 in the last line of Table 3.163 in “precipitation agent” column add “seeds” after Al(OH)3
p. 225 in 3 rd row from bottom of the page: move “and” to a position just before “Mossbauer spectra”
p. 226 in Table 3.356, 3 rd row: move the superscript “b” in the last column to be just after “1290” and before the closing bracket
p. 338 the titles of 2 nd columns in tables 3.635 and 3.636 should be “x in MnOx” where the x in the chemical formula is in subscript
p. 395 in Table 3.809 the subscript “a” should be in the last line, after “0.332 mmol Na/g” in description column
p. 548 the title of Table 3.1229 is “PZC/IEP…” (add initial “P”)
p. 571 the title of section is “Georgia kaolinite”
the title of section is “Other”
p. 664 in line 2 of section replace a centered dot after Y2O3 by a period
p. 700 Table 3.1683 needs the following:
- In two first rows shift “streaming potential” and “electrophoresis” from method to instrument column and insert “iep” in method column
- Shift “NaOH+HCl” in electrolyte column one level down to match 2467 in reference column
p. 703 in footnote of Table 3.1691 replace access by assess
p. 710 in footnote of Table 3.1711 after “in” insert “viscosity in”
p. 716 In Table 3.1728 shift “0.01 M KNO3” in electrolyte column one level down to match 2499 in reference column
p. 765 In Table 3.1876 in the Instrument column replace “Ken” by “Kem”
p. 783 In Table 3.1927 shift the superscript “a” in reference column to be before rather than after the closing bracket
p. 784 In Table 3.1928 shift the superscript “a” in reference column to be before rather than after the closing bracket
p. 785 in 1st row of Table 3.1930 in reference column insert “b” in superscript after “2618” and delete “a” in superscript after the closing bracket
p. 799 in Table 3.1971 shift the superscript in reference column “b” to be before rather than after the closing bracket
p. 800 in Table 3.1973 shift the superscript in reference column “b” to be before rather than after the closing bracket
p. 817 in footnote of Table 3.2019 replace values by value (delete “s”)
p. 828 in last row of Table 3.2052 replace 8.2 by 7.2 in pH0 column
p. 839 In Table 3.2085 shift the superscript “a” in reference column to be before rather than after the closing bracket
p. 848 the following reference is missing in Table 3.2111: Litton, G.M and Olson, T.M., Anomalous deposition rates of latex microspheres near the isoelectric point of granular quartz beds, Colloids Surf. A, 87, 39, 1994
p. 861 move “water on” from 3rd line to the beginning of 4th line (just before “silver”)
p. 881 capitalize “Stöber” in 6th line from bottom
p. 891 in line 4th from bottom close the bracket after 494, and open another before 1018
p. 973 in ref. 1386, after the final period add: Erratum, Langmuir 7, 1554, 1991
p. 980 in ref. 1543 replace cepacial by cepacia (delete “l”)
p. 1008 the right text for ref. 2172 is under ref. 2173 and vice versa


The following references can be updated:

p. 988 ref. 1725: vol. 30, p. 589
p. 1003 ref. 2046: vol. 345, p. 106
p. 1056 ref. 3215: vol. 66, p. 405